It can sometimes be difficult to know who to talk to if you are experiencing issues relating to your CPAP therapy. To help you navigate the world of CPAP, we have outlined who to contact when times get rough.

I am still snoring or experiencing symptoms while using my CPAP machine

If you are experiencing issues relating to your health your first port of call should be your GP. Your GP will generally know whether or not your issue can be resolved by a CPAP provider or if Physician intervention is required.

I am having issues with my CPAP Equipment

If you’re having problems with your gear or you need to replace any of your equipment, we can help! If you know what you require, you can visit our online store

You can E-mail us at or call us on 1800 799 950. There is also another avenue for support via our CPAP Support group on Facebook where you can talk with other CPAP users.

Who do I talk to if my CPAP machine has become noisy?

If you are experiencing an abnormal amount of noise coming from your CPAP machine you can download our free ‘Minimising Noise From Your CPAP Machine’ Guide here. This guide will provide you with a number of tips to help reduce the noise of your CPAP machine.

If you are still unable to reduce the noise of your CPAP machine and believe that their is a problem with it, you can contact your local provider to get your machine looked at.

I want to upgrade my CPAP machine- who can I talk to?

We are more than happy to discuss your CPAP machine options with you. We provide a number of payment plans and payment options too. Check out our latest range of CPAP machines here.

We can be contacted on 1800 799 950 or at


I have questions about the warranty of my machine?

For any questions relating to the warranty of your ResMed CPAP Machine, you can contact ResMed’s warranty program SleepVantage on 1300 305 705 or visit their website.

Where can I go for support on CPAP therapy?


Join our Facebook CPAP Support Group for added support. This private group is a place where you can communicate and ask questions to your fellow CPAP users. Within this group is a wealth of knowledge from over 700 active members. Our staff also monitor this group and join in discussions if need be. Join today to get your questions answered or help a CPAP user in need. Join the group by clicking here.

So, in summary, if you are having an issue that relates to your symptoms or health, it is advised to speak to your GP or Specialist. If you are having issues with your equipment, then us at Sleep Right Australia or your equipment provider is your best option. 

We provide online equipment reviews for your convenience also.