Sleep Consultant Andrew Nunn dropped in around 8pm to set up my in-home Sleep Test. I was ready in my PJs (as requested) but still cooking dinner when he arrived. Unfazed, Andrew unpacked the sleep test gear at the kitchen bench and went to work ‘wiring me up’ with kids and dinner preparations continuing around us.
I can’t imagine how anyone does a self-test. With two battery packs around my chest and waist, buttons stuck to my forehead, chest and feet, a nasal cannula, finger cuff and wires connecting it all up, there’s no way I could have done it myself – I’d be awake all night worrying about whether or not I’d set it up properly! 20 minutes later, Andrew was gone and I was dishing up dinner with the kids calling me ‘robo mum’ – I must admit I was quite a sight!
When I went to bed, I expected to be bothered by the tube in my nose and battery packs. To my surprise neither bothered me and I was soon dropping off to sleep. I woke a few times tangled in PJs and wires (the ones connected to my feet – I would recommend bare legs or leggings for anyone who turns over in bed as often as I do) but all in all I slept quite comfortably.
I get my Sleep Test results in 2-3 weeks, meanwhile the information on Andrew’s Sleep Right Australia website has already helped me get a better night’s sleep – especially the Sleep Tips page.