Sleep Apnea? Sleep Right Australia
Sleep Right Australia have over 15 years experiencing providing diagnostic sleep studies and CPAP management solutions for your patients suffering with snoring and sleep apnoea.
We are a small team who offer our services from Ovens Street, Wangaratta and online. Our Sleep testing and CPAP services are used by patient’s Australia Wide.
Return form to:
Fax: 1300 662 883 – Email:
Post: Sleep Right Australia, 82 Ovens Street, Wangaratta Vic 3677
Our 4 biggest points of difference from other providers are:
- Quick turnaround for Sleep Studies. From receiving a referral, we can have the Sleep Study and Sleep Physician result discussion within a fortnight.
- Remote monitoring from CPAP devices. Each morning data is sent to us. We can review the data and make changes to settings from the office. During the trial period in particular we have achieved noticeable improvements to our compliance levels
- Andrew has over 15 years experience dealing with CPAP machines and getting patient’s compliant
- Daily correspondence with our Sleep Physician. Dr Cunnington and his rooms are always on hand for more complicated cases. This is an invaluable resource for us and our patients.
Why do we do Home based sleep studies?
- Turnaround time is quick – Sleep Study and results can be done within a fortnight of receiving a referral.
- Devise used is WatchPat.
- Studies scored by Sleep Physician Dr Cunnington. TELEHEALTH appointments are available for result discussions.
- We can conduct an unlimited amount of Sleep Studies on any given night.
I have had a sleep study… How do I know what to do now?
The Sleep Physician will offer Treatment recommendations:
CPAP trials, sales, maintenance and reviews
- Sleep Right Australia have over 15 years of CPAP experience
Mandibular Advancement Splint
- Produced by specialist dentists with 25 years experience
- A Mould can be taken in Wangaratta
CPAP Trials
Why is CPAP a good treatment for sleep apnoea and snoring
ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP - AirView remote monitoring
- We deal exclusively with ResMed machines.
- We stock a range of masks from different suppliers.
- Remote connectivity allows Usage, AHI, leak information and charts to be sent back to our office using 3G SIM technology. This also allows us to make changes to the therapy remotely if needed.
- Patient’s trial both Automatic and Fixed Pressure machines
- Patient’s trial pillow, nasal and full face masks before purchasing.
- Part of the trial is refunded at point of purchase.
- The Trial runs for one month.
CPAP purchase, maintenance and reviews
- Patients can purchase their equipment through us.
- Prices include machine, humidifier, mask, tubing, bags (everything the patient needs for usage)
- We provide payment plans and help source funding where applicable.
- Private Health Insurance will provide some benefit depending on provider and level of cover
- Once equipment is purchased we recommend a consultation and download every 6-12 months. This is to ensure patients are compliant and the equipment is working properly.
- We are happy to review anybody’s CPAP therapy and service every brand of machine.
- Your patient will receive reminders from us about when to change their filters and reminders on when appointments are due. We are always available for phone or email consultation for minor issues.
- You will receive feedback from us each time we review your patient’s therapy.
- We are agents for the DVA. We conduct Home visits for all DVA patients.
Dr David Cunnington – Dr David Cunnington is a specialist sleep physician delivering quality healthcare to clients with complex sleep problems and promoting sleep health through education, research and advocacy. David is the co-director of Melbourne Sleep Disorders Centre, a multi-disciplinary sleep clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders.
David also hosts a website which is a site designed to improve sleep knowledge and practices for both clinicians and patients. David is available for consultation in person at his clinic in Melbourne or via TELEHEALTH.
Andrew Nunn – Andrew is a Biomedical Scientist who founded Sleep Right Australia in 2010. He has 15 years experience with Sleep Studies and CPAP therapy. He has attended several conferences and training sessions including a Sleep Technician course conducted at The University of Sydney in 2011. Andrew has developed a strong network of professionals around him and prides himself on fair, efficient and practical solutions for treating snoring and sleep apnoea.
Wendy Mulrooney – Wendy has been on board with Sleep Right Australia since the start of 2015. She has a nursing background and 25 years experience of working in Medical practices. Wendy is the office manager at Sleep Right Australia is continually increasing her knowledge and experience in the sleep field.
Sleep apnea and driving
Andrew Nunn: Does sleep apnea impact on driving?
Dr David Cunnington: Yes, absolutely. Lots of research shows that obstructive sleep apnea greatly increases the risk of motor vehicle and work related accidents. That’s really important not just for those of us who drive as part of their day to day lives but particularly for commercial drivers who drive as part of their work or might be transporting other people.
Research shows somewhere between double and 10 times the risk of motor vehicle accidents in people with moderate to severe sleep apnea. Thus the attention from VicRoads or Roads and Maritime in New South Wales.
The way the law is in Victoria and also in New south Wales, it is the driver’s responsibility to let the licencing authority know if there is anything that is impacting on your fitness to drive. That’ll then trigger a request to your usual Doctor. They’ll do an eye test as part of that, but then it also may require review by a sleep specialist.
You have helped me organise these reviews. It is convenient that people can come and see you to facilitate that process over TELEHEALTH. In essence, I’ve got to review someone’s treatment data, make sure it’s working effectively, assess their risk in terms of driving and then prepare a report for the licencing authority.
Andrew Nunn: Many people will avoid doing the sleep study because of fears of losing their licence. Is it a justified fear or … ?
David C.: No, not at all. It really just means if somebody’s got significant sleep apnea there’s a process that we need to go through, but almost never results in them losing their licence. It just means there’s a paperwork process that needs to be done to ensure that their sleep apnea’s treated appropriately and just provide their documentation for the licencing authority.
Andrew Nunn: Have you got any advice for people who are sleepy while they’re driving?
David C.: Don’t drive. That’s the simple advice. All of us as drivers need to take that on board. If we’re feeling sleepy then the time to pull over is before you get into micro sleeps and you’ve had a head nod and you find yourself drifting across lanes. Really, it’s important, every two hours if you’re driving long distances, to make sure you have a brief nap. If you are feeling sleepy, don’t crank up the radio, wind down the window, actually pull over and have a power nap.
Return form to:
Fax: 1300 662 883 – Email:
Post: Sleep Right Australia, 82 Ovens Street, Wangaratta Vic 3677