Medistrom Battery
The Medistrom Pilot-24 Lite battery is a small, lightweight charging option for your CPAP machine. Compatible CPAP machines are:
- ResMed AirMini
- ResMed AirSense 10
- ResMed S9
The Medistrom battery can also be used as a backup battery, meaning that if your power goes out during the night, the battery will kick into action to continue powering your device.
The Medistrom Pilot-24 Lite battery also has a warranty period of 1 year.
Medistrom Pilot-24 Lite Specifications:
- Capacity: 95 Wh
- Weight: 1.3 lbs
- Output voltage: 24V for CPAP & 5V, 2.5A for USB
- Approximate usage: 1-2 nights (Based on optimal settings without humidifier & heated hose)
- Charging time: 2-3 hours
The Medistrom Pilot-12 Lite powers the Philips DreamStation, Philips System One and DeVilbiss
ResMed Battery
The ResMed Power Station II is a lithium battery by ResMed. The Power Station II is compatible with the following CPAP machines:
- ResMed AirSense 10
- ResMed S9
The ResMed Power Station II has a warranty period of 6 months
I have a Fisher & Paykel sleep style Cpap. can I get a back up battery to use during electricity failure for this device?
Hi Helen, unfortunately not for the F&P devices. If you go into our Facebook group someone in there may have a solution?
Can I use Resmed battery with Medistrom cable for Dreamstation Go?
No unfortunately
IF you have the battery output to a cigarette socket and then have a cigsocket to machine cable that will handle 24v then yes it’s definitely possible. Find someone near you handy with electronics if noone is selling a bat2cigsocket lead.
do you have in stock a battery for my air mini, if so how much are they.
regards Alfred gude
Alfred, yes we do. $455. see this link:
Found on another website. I can confirm from actual experience that this is about right.
Battery Run Times
ResMed AirSense™ 10:
Using no humidification or heated hose, and a pressure setting of 10: Run-times are guaranteed for 1 night (8 hours). However, the range can be anywhere from 8 to 16 hours on a pressure of 10 without humidity and minimal mask leaks.
Using with Humidification or heated hose, pressure setting of 10: With the humidity and heated hose it will only last 3-4 hours with a pressure of 10 and no excessive mask leaks.
ResMed AirMini™ Auto Set™
Using no humidification or heated hose, and a pressure setting of 10: The run times will be roughly equivalent to the run times for the AirSense™ 10. The AirMini™ is a much more efficient machine than the AirSense™ 10, so it is possible for it to run longer.
Using humidification on a pressure setting of 10. The AirMini™ uses waterless humidification and doesn’t require power to work. So the run times would be the same as without humidification.
How much for the mediator please
I have the resumed 10 for her
Irene, currently it is priced at $455
Hi ..I have a S10 Sense with that machine i have a power cord from wall to converter, then from converter to machine.
With this batterie you get a cord from batterie to machine .. How does it charge? let say i want to use it to charge my cell?… would I need to plug in what I usually have (from wall to converter to output) into the batterie and this would charge it? Then I can use the USB port? .. Or i do know that I can buy a plug that goes into the 12 volts lighter in a car ..
Thank you
Hi Louise, the battery is charged using the power cord you would usually use for your machine. There is a USB Port for the charging of a phone. The battery can be plugged into the wall while you use it so if the main power goes out, the battery will kick in. You can get a car charger for the battery which will plug into a cigarette lighter port. Hope this helps.
So if i understand this correctly if i only want to change the battery I plug in the wall what I have with my machine (wire from wall to converter to output) to the battery. Then once the battery is charge i can bring it with me and charge my cell later. Thank you very much for your explanation.
That’s correct.
It states themedistrom will “kick in”if power fails does this mean it is available and plugged in constantly or do you have to wake up to get up and sort it all out
Correct. At home, it will be plugged in and then kick in automatically.
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Why can’t you use the Resmed Power Station II to power the Airmini?
Why are there Resmed no adapters made for this?
Do any 3rd party manufacturers make adapters to run the airmini from a Powerstation II?
You’ll need to ask ResMed direct –