The much anticipated ResMed AirFit N30 mask has just landed in store. We can confirm that the headgear for this mask is compatible with the AirFit P10 mask and is an improvement.
The headgear has been well designed with a built in clip to provide you with comfort and the ability to adjust its sizing. The clip will also help you get a longer lifespan from your mask.
To order the AirFit N30 headgear for your AirFit P10 mask, Click here.
Will my p10 cushions work with the new n30 headgear?
No, you will need to have the P10 frame:
Will my n20 mask work with my n30 headgear?
no it won’t unffortunately
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Are the N30 cushions compatible with the P10 mask/frame?
Unfortunately not
will my P10 gear work with the N30 cushion?
i dont like the P10 cushions and dont want to buy the full N30 cushion, thanks!
Unfortunately not. The P10 and N30 have separate frames for their cushions.
This is confusing because the description for the video says “we can confirm that the headgear for the this [N30] mask is compatible with the Airfit P10 mask”. However, all of your answers indicate it is NOT compatible. Could you clarify in what way it is compatible?
The strap of the P10 and N30 are the same, but the frame is different.
Can I use N30 pillow on a P10 frame/head gear? I am currently using P10 and wants to try a N30 pillow/cushion
Hi Jean, no the N30 cushion will not fit with the P10 frame unfortunately.
I have the Airfit P10 mask and set up pack for my AirMini and I want to switch to the N30.
Do I need the complete N30 set up pack or are there some interchangeable components in addition to the headgear?
Are the hose / tubing and associated connections the same?
Which if any parts are interchangeable?
Hi Jonathan, The only exchangeable part will be the headgear I am afraid. This is the part that wears out first usually too, so I would be inclined to buy the whole pack.