by drsleepright | Sep 21, 2021 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, ResMed, Sleep Apnoea
Over the past 12 months ResMed have launched a variety of new CPAP masks. With each release, we have found that older ranges are being phased out and we expect that many will become obsolete over the coming months. Models of mask that are being affected include:...
by drsleepright | Mar 10, 2021 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, ResMed, Sleep Apnoea
When your CPAP mask is leaking, it becomes noisy and the escaping air can be uncomfortable. Your CPAP machine can also detect the leak and try and chase it by ramping the pressure up. This high pressure can disturb yourself and/or your bed partner. Mask leak can...
by drsleepright | Jan 13, 2021 | CPAP Masks, ResMed Airmini
Humidification is now available for the AirFit F20 & AirTouch F20 masks for use with the AirMini. The HumidX provides humidification by retaining the heat and moisture from each exhalation. It then uses this to provide warmth upon inhalation, allowing for a...
by drsleepright | Nov 30, 2020 | CPAP Masks, ResMed, Sleep Apnoea
The AirTouch N20 and the AirFit N20 are both nasal CPAP masks by ResMed. They both feature the same flexible tubing, soft fabric frame and plush headgear. The key difference between the two masks is the cushion. The AirTouch N20 cushion is made with UltraSoft Memory...
by drsleepright | Nov 24, 2020 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, ResMed
The recently launched ResMed AirTouch N20 Mask has a lot to offer. In this blog post we will explore some of the features that the AirTouch N20 mask has to offer. Elbow/Tubing: The AirTouch N20 has a short and flexible elbow/tube joint. The quick-release style of the...
by drsleepright | Nov 24, 2020 | CPAP Masks, Mask Parts, ResMed
ResMed have just launched the newest addition to their range. Introducing the ResMed AirTouch N20.. The ResMed AirTouch N20 is an easy to use nasal mask that utilises a memory foam cushion to create a soft and comfortable fit. This cushion requires replacing every 30...
by drsleepright | Aug 26, 2020 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, Sleep Apnoea, Sleep Tips
From our daily interactions with CPAP users we hear common issues with CPAP usage. Our list below discusses the 5 most common complaints we hear + some self help tips to fix it. Machine pressure is too high This week we have had a few long term users come and say...
by drsleepright | Aug 19, 2020 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, Sleep Apnoea, Sleep Tips
When starting on CPAP therapy some patients will pick it up easy from the first night, others will find it more challenging and take some time to adapt. Our approach when setting up new patients is to keep it as simple as possible early and let the patient try to get...
by drsleepright | May 27, 2020 | CPAP, CPAP Masks
Here is a simple step-by step guide on how to fit your CPAP mask: 1. Hold the cushion in one hand and the headgear in the other. 2. Press the mask to your nose or mouth (depending on the type of CPAP mask you have) and pull the headgear up and over your head. 3. Once...
by drsleepright | May 26, 2020 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, ResMed
Is your CPAP mask causing marks on your face? In this blog post we discuss our top 7 tips for reducing the risk of marks on your face from your CPAP mask. 1. Mask Hygiene Your CPAP cushion can get a buildup of dirt and oil from your skin. Over time this buildup can...
by drsleepright | May 13, 2020 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, Mask Parts
CPAP masks are generally made up of four components- the cushion, headgear, elbow and frame. The term ‘CPAP mask’ refers to all of these parts as a whole. In this article we will explain the basic components of your CPAP mask and the terminology that goes along with...
by drsleepright | Mar 16, 2020 | CPAP, CPAP Masks, ResMed
The ResMed AirFit F30i Full Face mask is now available. What it is? The AirFit F30i is a full face mask. It has been designed with the tubing connection at the top of the mask and the cushion sits over the mouth while sealing underneath the nose. Other features...