Is your CPAP mask causing marks on your face? 

In this blog post we discuss our top 7 tips for reducing the risk of marks on your face from your CPAP mask.

1. Mask Hygiene

Your CPAP cushion can get a buildup of dirt and oil from your skin. Over time this buildup can cause friction between the cushion and your skin resulting in marks on your face.

A simple way to combat this is to ensure you regularly clean your CPAP mask. You can do this by wiping it over daily using CPAP mask wipes.

Another way of ensuring your mask’s hygiene is by washing it in warm soapy water, rinsing with fresh water and then letting air dry. This should be done every week or every couple of weeks.


2. Barrier

Another way to stop marks from occurring is by creating a barrier between your face and the cushion. This can be achieved by using a gecko or mask liners. A gecko is a gel pad that sits over the bridge of the nose. Your CPAP mask will then sit over the top of the gecko. You can find the geckos here.

3. Mask Size

By looking at a different mask size, we can get the mask hitting a different part of the face which can help another area heal. We offer mask fittings in store or alternatively you can shop our range of mask parts here.

4. AirTouch F20

If you are experiencing marks or irritation from your CPAP mask cushion, the ResMed AirTouch F20 may be an option for you. The AirTouch F20 is made of memory foam. This means that the cushion is a lot softer and moulds around your mouth and nose. It is recommended that the cushion gets replaced every 4 weeks to ensure maximum results.

5. ResMed AirFit F30

Another full face mask option is the ResMed AirFit F30 mask. The mask will seal over your mouth and underneath your nose. By sealing under your nose it eliminates any chance of pressure marks occurring over the bridge of the nose.

6. Nasal Mask

One of the most successful ways of eliminating pressure marks is to switch from a full face mask to a nasal pillow mask. Our nasal pillow mask of choice is the ResMed AirFit P10 Nasal masks are great as they seal underneath your nose and often have minimal contact with your face.


Over the years we have had many patients change from full face masks to nasal masks with great results, even those who say they are ‘mouth breathers’. If you believe you are a mouth breather, click here to find out whether a full face mask is the only answer.


7. Use a CPAP Pillow

There are memory foam pillows available designed specifically for CPAP users. These pillows are shaped to accommodate for your CPAP mask. This allows the mask to be positioned in such a way that doesn’t put pressure on your face. The Best in Rest memory foam CPAP pillows are available instore and online.

If you would like further assistance, we are offering free online CPAP equipment reviews or feel free to call us on 1800799950.